Biology Most Important One Liner Question and Answer part- 5
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Biology: Most Important One Liner Question and Answer part- 5
Mammals form urea in the - Kidney.
If a bacterium celldivides in every 20 minutes, 64 bacteriawill be formed in - two hours.
Simple Goiteris a disease affecting - Thyroid glands.
A goiteris a swelling of the neck or larynx resulting from enlargement of the - thyroid gland
A Goiter associated with a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly, caused by - iodine deficiency.
The infective stage of Malaria is - Sporozoite.
The Germplasm Bankis a collection of live plant matter, in the form of - seeds and spores
Germplasm Bank general mission is - Locate, collect and conserve plants considered to be of priority importance to our society.
Photosynthetic vesiclefound in bacteria is called a - Chromatophore.
Chromatophoresare pigment - containing and light reflecting cells, or groups of cells, found in a wide range of animals including amphibians, fish, reptiles, crustaceans and cephalopods.
Wheat, Barley, Lemon, Orange, rye, and pearl millet belong to - two plant families.
A plant known only in cultivation having arisen under domestication is referred to as - Cultigens.
Cultigensare a plant that has been deliberately altered or selected by humans; it is the result of artificial selection. These “man-made” or anthropogenic plants are, for the most part, plants of commerce that are used in - horticulture, agriculture and forestry.
Drying oilscontain a fairly large proportionof - unsaturated fatty acids.
An unsaturated fatis a fat or fatty acid in which there is at least - one double bond within the fatty acid chain.
A fatty acid chain is monounsaturated if it contains - one double bond
A fatty acid is polyunsaturated if it contains - more than one double bond.
The red, orange and yellow colors of leaves are due to - Carotenoids
Carotenoidsare plant pigments responsible for - bright red, yellow and orange hues in many fruits and vegetables.
Carotenoids pigments play an important role in plant health.
Polar bearshold cures for - Type II diabetes.
The disease that kills more people than lung canceras a consequence of air pollution is - Emphysema.
Emphysemais a type of chronic - obstructive pulmonary
Emphysema is a chronic, ongoing, progressive disease of the lower respiratory tract in the lungs.
Green glandsare associated with - Excretion.
During respiration, the gases enter into the blood and leave the same by the process of - Diffusion.
Heart is devoid of - Voluntary muscle.
Ringwormis a - fungal disease.
Chickenpox is caused by - Variola virus.
Drugwhich helps to reduce anxiety and brings about - calmness is tranquilizer.
A tranquilizeris a drug that induces - tranquility in a person and other animals.
A keelis absent in - Duck.
Broad spectrum antibiotics are produced by - Penicillium.
Some members of the genusproduce – penicillin
Penicillin a molecule that is used as an antibiotic, which kills or stops the growth of - certain kinds of bacteria inside the body.
The pigment that protects plants from harmful effect of ultraviolet rays is - Phycocyanin.
Phycocyanin is a pigment-protein complex from - light-harvesting phycobiliproteinfamily, along with allophycocyaninand phycoerythrin.
Phycocyanin is an accessory pigment to chlorophyll.
Glycogen, starch and cellulose are - polymers of Glucose.
Plagueis called as - Black Death.
Parthenium and Elephant grass has been found useful to check water pollution caused by - industrial affluent.
Certain desert lizardsexcrete their wastes in - dry form. This serves as a means of adaptationof the organism to the environment.
Kidneycan be taken from a dying person who has the - cessation of neurological function only.
Opiumis a plant product obtained from - dried latex.
Opiumis the dried latex obtained from - opium poppy.
Opium latex contains approximately 12 percentof - analgesic alkaloid morphine
Analgesic alkaloid morphine is processed chemically to produce - heroin and other synthetic opioids for medicinal use and for the illegal drug trade.
Cow milk fat contains a colouring pigment called - Beta-carotene(a carotenoid which is precursor of vitamin-A).
Buffalo milk lacks Beta-carotene thus it is not - yellowish like cow milk.
A carotenoid which is precursor of vitamin-A is also found in vegies like carrot.
Pneumoniais not caused or aggravated by - air pollution.
Pneumonia is usually caused by infection with - viruses or bacteria and less commonly by other microorganisms.
Hemoglobinis a respiratory pigment present in all chordate except in - larvae of Eel fish.
Ilium is a part of - Pelvic girdle.
The pelvic (hip) girdletransfers the weight of the upper body - legs.
The pelvic (hip) girdleconsists of a pair of - coxal bones, each of which contains three fused bones: The Ilium, ischium, and pubis.
The pores in leaves through which liquid water oozes out at times are called - Stomata.
The best way to maintain a natural equilibriumbetween the pest and predator is by using - biological control.
‘Dry ice’ is the condensed form of - carbon dioxide.
The sex of a childis determined at the time of - fertilization of ovum.
The food chain of the ecosystemis maintained by the activities of - Decomposers.
Chimpanzeeis closest to the - modern man.
A gram of fertileagricultural soil may contain bacteria up to - one billion and above.
The fiber that will yield ammonia when destructively distilled is - Wool.
During respiration, energy is derived from - ATP.
Sex hormonesare - Steroids.
Typhoid feveris caused by - Bacterium.
Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal are - endocrine glands.
Endocrine glandsare glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood rather than through a duct. The major glands of the endocrine system include - the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal glands.
Grey hairis caused due to loss of - melaninin epidermal cells.
In our body, antibodies are formed against pathogens in thymusby - lymphocytes.
Prawn heartcarries - oxygenated blood.
Hydra has no blood, but - respires.
The biological decomposition of organic substances in wastes under controlled conditions known as - composting.
Immunization is a phenomenon of formation of antibodies by using - inactive Antigens.
Ascarisis a - mono genetic parasite.
Ascarisis a genus of parasitic nematode worms known as the - “small intestinal roundworms”
“small intestinal roundworms” is a type of - helminths(parasitic worm).
Hydrochloric acidis synthesized in human - stomach.
Filariais transmitted by - Culex mosquito.
Filariais a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms of the - Filarioidea
Filaria are spread by blood - feedingblack flies and mosquitoes.
Batis the only mammal- that can fly.
Commonest mammal is - man (Homo sapiens).
An example of protein which acts as a hormone is - Oxytocin.
Oxytocinis a human peptide hormone and neuropeptide that is used as a - medication to facilitate child birth.
The fat of a common mussel - secretessticky glue that can be used to make heart implants. The unique chemical compound present in the glue is Dihydroxy phenyl alanine.
The primary producer in an ecosystemis - Plants.
Some of the ingredients required for bread making are - Maida and Yeast.
Adrenaline is called - “Emergency Hormone”.
It plays an important role in the fight-or-flightresponse by increasing - blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and blood sugar.
Malariais transmitted from one person to another by - Anopheles Mosquito.
Liveris a rich source of - proteins.
Cuscutais a - Parasite.
Cuscuta is a - parasitic plant.
Cuscuta has no chlorophyll and cannot make its own food by - photosynthesis.
Cuscuta grows on other plants, using their nutrients for its - growth and weakening the host plant.
Nitrogen is an essential constituent of - all Proteins.
The number of eggs normally released during one menstrual cycleis - 1.
The animals that do not develop hypertensionin spite of heavy intake of salt is - Camel.