Biology Most Important One Liner Question and Answer part-3
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Biology Most Important One Liner Question and Answer part-3
Jaundice is a symptom of the disease of - the Liver.
The vaccination against smallpox involves - the introduction of Weakened germs.
Deficiency of Vitamin B6 in man causes - Anaemia.
Lotus is the national flower of - India.
First, successful heart transplantation was done by - N. Barnard.
Yellow Fever is transmitted by - Anopheles.
Washing of peeled vegetables removes the - vitamin C.
A man with colour blindness will see - red as Yellow.
When a person walking in bright Sunlightenters a dark room, he is not able to see clearly for a little while because - irisis unable to dilate the pupil immediately.
The metal, which is a constituent of vitamin B12 is - Cobalt.
According to WHO, the bird fluvirus cannot be transmitted through cooked food beyond - 70 degree Celsius.
There are four chambersin the - human heart.
A universal recipientbelongs to the blood group – AB+
O Rh negative blood is often called - universal donors.
Vitamin K helps in - blood clotting.
A heart attack is caused by - hypotension.
Cold blooded animals - change their body temperature in accordance with the atmosphere.
Human cloningis permitted in - Britain for the purpose of Research.
Hepatitisis a - viral disease.
Dolly, the World’s First cloned animal was a - sheep.
The large amount of sugar present in human blood is - glucose.
Mumpsis a - viral disease in man.
The major constituent of gobar gas is - Methane.
The expansion for AIDSis - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Beekeepingis known as -
Among the defects of the eye, the short sightedness is called - Myopia.
The greenhouse effect is caused by the higher level of - Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A colour-blind personcannot distinguish - between certain colours.
An ECG shows the functioning of - heart.
The purest form of wateris - Rainwater.
The main constituent of biogas is - Methane.
The most abundant element in the human body is - Oxygen.
Carbon dioxide, Nitric oxide and Chlorofluorocarbon are - greenhouse gases.
Vegetables are easily perishablebecause - of their high content of Water.
Anaemiaoccurs due to the deficiency of - Folic Acid.
For a healthy heart - one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and Do the right amount of physical exercise.
AIDSis a - viral disease.
Amoebic dysentery is caused by - Entamoeba histolytica.
DNA testwas developed by - Alec Jeffreys.
AIDS is a - retroviral disease
AIDS disease spreads due to - homosexualand bisexual relations
Due to AIDS - anogenital warts are formed
Deep fried food materials are - carcinogenicbecause they are rich in Fats
The toxicity of Coppermetal leads to - liver cirrhosis.
If the radius of blood vesselsof a person decreases his/her blood pressure will - increase.
Cell or tissue death within a living body is called as - Neutrophilia.
The insufficient blood supply in the human body is referred to as - Ischemia.
Typhoidis caused by - Salmonella typhi.
BCG immunizationis for - Tuberculosis.
Besides carbohydrates, a major source of energy in our food is constituted by - Fats.
The limb bones of children become bent if there is a deficiency of - vitamin D.
Leprosy bacillus was discovered by - Hansen.
A medicine which promotes the secretion of urineis called - Diuretic.
The chemicals released by one species of animals in order to attract the other members of the same species are - Pheromones.
Jaundiceis caused due to the infection of - Liver.
The average heartbeatrate per minute in a normal person is - 72.
EEG records the activity of - Brain.
The colour of cow’s milkis slight yellow due to the presence of - Carotene.
Diphtheriais a - communicable disease.
The concentration of Hemoglobin decreases in - anaemia.
Plague usuallyspreads - through the air.
Cerealsare a rich source of - Starch.
Small Pox is caused by - Variola Virus.
Aerobic respirationprocess requires - Oxygen.
A vitamin requires cobalt for its activity - Vitamin B12.
Plasma membranein eukaryotic cellsis made up of - Phospholipids.
The mitochondrionis also called - ‘power plants’ of the cell.
In the process ofRespiration, energy is - released.
Animals living in the three trunks are known as - Arboreal.
The RBCs agglutinateto a person who receives the - wrong type of blood.
NISstands for - National Immunization Schedule.
If all bullets could not be removed from gunshot injuryof a man, it may cause - poisoning by Lead.
Ringwormis a - fungal
Pituitary glandis situated in the base of - the brain.
which is vital for life is a product ofphotosynthesisand comes from water - Oxygen
Chewing gumis made from -
The brain of a human adult weighsabout - 1200- 1300 gm.
Total number of bonesin man is - 206.
Russell’s viper, a snake killed for its beautiful skin has been declared - endangered species.
Japan was the first country that launched world’s first satellite for - monitoring Greenhouse gases.
The colour of the eyeupon the pigment present in - Iris.
The iris has pigmentation that determines - eye colour
Irisesare classified as being one of - six colours: amber, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or red.
The ability of the eye to seek in the dark is due to the production of a purple pigment known as - Retinene.
Whole grain cerealsand pulsesare more - nutritious.
Giraffeis a - dumb
The vitamin most readily destroyed by heat is -Ascorbic acid.
Vitamin Cis also known as - ascorbic acid.
BCG, Anti-rabies and Polio vaccine are - vaccines.
Bacteriawere first discovered by - V. Leeuwenhoek.
The disease that is caused by virusis - common cold.
The locomotory organ of ‘Amoeba’ is - Pseudo-podia.
The numbers of chromosome present in normal human being are - 46.
An instrument for measuring blood pressure is called - Sphygmomanometer.
The tern ‘Rh factor’ refers to - Rhesus factor.
The discoverer of penicillinwas - Alexander Fleming.
Blood groups were discovered by - Landsteiner.
The weight of an average human brainis about - 46 kg.
The animalwhich can tolerate more summer heat is - Goat.
According to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, long necks in giraffes arose because - of constant attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation.