Geography: Active, dormant and extinct volcanoes in India and World

Geography: Active, dormant & extinct volcanoes in India and World

Classification on the Basis of Periodicity of Eruption:

Two-third of the world's volcanoes are found in the coastal regions of the Pacific Ocean, archipelagos and oceanic island. Hence, the name given to this belt is the Fire Girdle of the Pacific or the Fire Ring of the Pacific


Active Volcanoes:

These volcanoes constantly eject volcanic lavas, gases, ashes and fragmental materials. Etna and Stromboli of the Mediterranean Sea are the most significant examples of this category. Stromboli is known as the Light house of the Mediterrancean. Other volcanous of this category are - Cotopaxi of Equador (World's highers active volcano), Mt. Erebus of Antarctica (the only active volcano of the continent) and the Barren Island of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.


Dormant Volcanoes:

These volcanoes become quiet after eruptions for some time and there are no indications for future eruptions but suddenly, they erupt very violently. Important examples of this category are Vesuvius in Italy; Fujiyama in Japan; Krakatao in Indonesia, and the Narcondam Island of the Andaman & Nicobar.


Dead or Extinct Volcanoes:

These are those volcanoes which have not erupted since thousands of years and there is no indication of future eruption as well. Leading examples of this category are - Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro, in Eastern part of Africa; Chimborazo in Ecuador; Popa in Myanmar; and Aconcagua in Andes mountains.


Volcanoes in India:

Sr. No.

Volcano Name



Barren Island

Andaman Islands



Andaman Islands



Andaman Islands


Deccan Traps



Dhinodhar Hills



Dhosi Hill


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